At the end of July we managed to pull off the inaugural Bonasa Bonanza.
We were blessed with nearly 40 attendees and 20 dogs from four different States!
All of the folks who attended no doubt will be better grouse hunters and dog handlers because they put the time and effort into getting better through seeking knowledge.
Knowledge attained through good old-fashioned classroom and boots on the ground learning about seasonal habitat and what constitutes a good grouse covert in the Great Lakes States.
Knowledge attained through taking their dog into the woods on wild birds with a mentor looking over their shoulder offering advice along the way.
Knowledge attained through a "hands-on" dog training clinic showing folks how to get their dog across the finish line when it comes to grouse.
Thank you to our sponsors and volunteers:
· Pyke Gear – Brent Pike
· Field Armor – Jeff Walla
· Michigan Upland Experience – Joe Schwenke and Stephen Rodock
· Cato Outdoors – Jordan Horak
· Aspen Thicket Guide Team – Mark Schlicht, Chris Yeager, Joe Pruitt, Erik Strazzinski
· Nicole’s Naturals Taxidermy – Nicole Griewahn
· Sport Dog Photography – Dave Veldman
· Paint River Setters – Kyle Warren
· MDNR – Heather Shaw
· David Weaver
· Becca Stachewicz – for always putting up with my “ideas”
Most importantly, thank you to all who came to get better...
A portion of the proceeds from this event will be used to fund a grouse hunt for veterans this fall.

Awesome! I hope I can make it next year!